Several times over the past few weeks I’ve tried to sit down and write to you. My body kept saying, ‘No, not yet’.

Today I am ready. So many feelings have been swirling through me. So many thoughts have come and gone.

These past nine months have been a wild ride. We’ve all been touched by this pandemic in a million different ways: brutal losses and profound heart openings. Families, businesses, and communities were turned upside down.

Many of us seem to be called to excavate what’s true and essential. Funny how things that seemed absolutely essential several months ago, hardly matter today.

I find myself being nourished by stillness, deep listening and being present. Space to breathe and to be are essential. Vulnerable and honest communication. I simply have no room for bullshit anymore.

As the year comes to a close, I also find myself resting in forgiveness. Forgiving myself and others for our ignorant and unconscious humanness.

Yet, my feelings are surprisingly fluid. Like the sea – sometimes becalmed and sometimes a wild wavy ride. Always changing. I no longer have the heart to assume anything. I’m following the breadcrumbs and loving the surprises.

I have a loose plan for the coming year. I’ll be guiding Embodied Living Soul Gatherings online in two time zones (US Central and Central European). I’ll be meeting my first grandchild as my daughter gives birth in Late February. And I’ll be giving myself the grace of being present.

And for now, I am surrendering to the miracles of LIFE.

May peace fill your heart. May joy uplift your days. May we all join together online or in person throughout this new year.

with gratitude and love,
